This morning as I was writing my Morning Pages, the following came through me onto the page:
Stop thinking you know better and pushing through regardless. Stop ignoring the signs and symbols we are placing in front of you. Slow down and take time to notice, to be here and now in this moment. No yesterday, no tomorrow. No what ifs? No whys? Just opening. Just listening. Just noticing. Just trusting.
Notice synchronicity and see what happens in your body. Ask your body which way to go and notice what it tells you. Your body is your messenger. It is the receiver and transmitter of all you need to know. Tune in to your frequency and tune out the other. Tune out the noise of other people’s opinions and judgements. They don’t know what song your soul sings to you. They don’t know what dance you are here to dance. Only you know this, one moment at a time, when you listen and act from love for yourself.
When you pay attention to your body and act based on what it tells you, you are truly honouring and loving yourself. When you act with trust, even though it doesn’t make sense, this is love. This is trust in motion.
When you do this, more opens up for you. The universe notices you’re listening and sends more signs and symbols to respond to. Experiment and play with the universe. This life is to be enjoyed. When you relax you are receptive, you can hear and see without obstruction. When your thinking mind stops whirring long enough, you can hear and feel your body; the true master, the truth holder.
Drop into your body and make friends with it. Maybe you’ve become estranged. Maybe its time to reconnect and recommit to partnering with your body and allowing it to guide you home to yourself.
Surrender and trust. You are safe. All is well.
I haven’t always been able to trust, in fact it’s been one of my deepest wounds. As a result of childhood experiences, I learned that I couldn’t trust myself, my body or the people in my life and that I needed to rely on my own clever thinking to survive. As an adult, I slowly realised after many painful experiences, that I really didn’t know better; no amount of planning, perfecting and thinking was going to give me the kind of life I truly knew at my core I was here to lead. My body was screaming out for me to stop and listen to it. Finally, after eight years of panic attacks, constant denial of my emotions and needs, I stopped fighting my body and surrendered. My body was exhausted from carrying me along in a constant state of vigilance, anxiety and stress. I needed to listen and I needed to radically change how I was living my life.
I started to slow down, to practice listening to my body, to my intuition and to life and responding to what felt good in my body. I started to notice the energy I felt when I did this. It was exciting to not know intellectually why I was doing something; just trusting the deep knowing I felt inside my body that it was right for me.
Trusting is a daily practice for me; one I recommit to every day. It’s so ingrained in me to revert to my old ways of figuring things out, worrying and ‘pros and cons’ing the fuck out of decisions. Luckily I’m quicker these days at catching my mind thinking it’s in charge. I smile and let it go and drop into the real truth in my body in this moment only.
What is your relationship with trust? What is your relationship with your body? Can you invite more love into your daily practices of listening and honouring what your body has to tell you?

Intuitive process painting as a practice in trust:
Trust is the cornerstone of the intuitive painting process. Its the foundation principle. When we get out of our own way and into our body, we’re opening up to the magic and mystery of the creative source of all. It’s a humbling practice of surrendering control and asking for guidance over and over. ‘I don’t know’ mindset is our biggest asset in stepping into the realm of our intuition. When we let go of figuring it out and needing to know, we relax and allow what really wants to come through. This is where the magic lies.
You can find out more about intuitive process painting with me here.