Within you is a compass guiding you to connect with the truth of who you are deep in your bones.
But sometimes our ability to connect with our inner guidance is obscured by decades of people pleasing, fawning, controlling, proving, striving, trying to work it all out and be someone we’re not, to fit in, receive love and approval and survive.
These layers of conditioning and coping mechanisms that once served us, become our personas and shape our experience of life.
Sometimes we identify strongly with who we think we are and what we think we should be doing, and it can take a lot to release our grip on our ‘not self’ behaviours and ways of being, to make way for how we really feel and what really lights us up.
Some of us gradually wake up to the realisation that ‘there’s more than this’ and ‘I am more than this’. And for others, it takes a crisis (or series of crises) to bring us to the threshold of what our lives could be.

When you begin the process of deconditioning from who you think you are and strip away all that no longer serves you, you make way for the truth of who you are to become known and to express through you.
The more you choose to act from your truth, the more life comes into alignment and brings you opportunities to be who you came here to be.